Tuesday, November 21, 2006

To Work as a Dentist in the Australia

To Practice in the Australia it is very important to pass licensure examination which is conducted by the Australian Dental Council.
Here is the important information related to ADC. Recent Information can be found on the links provided.

Australian Dental Council
The Australian Dental Council was formed in 1993 by the State and Territory Dental Boards and the Australian Dental Association (ADA).
The functions of the Australian Dental Council are:
• to advise and make recommendations to State and Territory Dental Boards and Dental Practice Boards in relation to:
- the accreditation of education courses leading to a dental qualification, conducted by Australian dental schools,
- the assessment of the suitability for practice in Australia of persons with overseas dental qualifications, and
- uniform criteria for recognition of qualifications for registration
• to hold copies of the registers of each State and Territory Dental Board
• to provide advice on matters concerning the occupational regulation, including general and specialist registration, of dentists and para-dental personnel
• to do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above objects.
The ADC is a registered corporation limited by guarantee. Membership is drawn from a broad cross section of the groups associated with the standards of dental practice in Australia and includes nominees of:
• the Dental Boards of the States and Territories of Australia (each Board nominating one member),
• the Committee of Dental Deans of Australia and New Zealand Dental Schools,
• the Australian Dental Association Inc (incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory),
• the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons,
• the Australian Dental Therapists Association,
• the Dental Hygienists Association of Australia
• the Dental Council of New Zealand (observer status).
It is not a statutory body; however, the accreditation and examination functions of the ADC are reflected in relevant State and Territory Dental Acts and associated regulations.
The main function of the ADC at establishment was to accredit Australian University Dental Schools so that the Boards could be assured that standards are comparable throughout the Commonwealth.
The ADC functions through a series of standing Committees and Working Parties with a wide range of expertise in dental education and practice. The principal standing committees are the Accreditation Committee, the Uniformity Committee and the Overseas Trained Dentists Assessment and Advisory Committee.
The ADC is serviced by a secretariat located in Melbourne.
Oversight of the ADC's operations is via the Executive Committee, which acts on behalf of the Board between Board meetings. The Executive Committee comprises ADC President, Deputy President, Immediate Past President, Treasurer, and Chairs of principal standing committees. The Executive of the Board of Directors, elected by the Board of Directors, meets either in camera or by teleconference two to three times each year.

Australian Dental Council

Assessment and Accreditation of Australian Dental Programs
The assessment process is governed by the joint Australian Dental Council / Dental Council of New Zealand's Accreditation Committee. The Committee advises the Council on accreditation policy and procedures, and appoints the expert teams that conduct the assessments of the courses available in Australian and New Zealand Dental Schools.
For each assessment of a course, the Accreditation Committee sets up an expert team. Teams comprise a balance of members from dental science and clinical disciplines and from a range of dental schools. The team conducts:
- a review of documentation provided by the dental school on the curriculum and resources which support it, and
- an on-site visit to the school, its facilities and teaching hospitals; this normally takes two to three days.
The assessment is conducted under the ADC / DCNZ's Guidelines for the Assessment and Accreditation of Dental Programs.
The ADC / DCNZ Accreditation Committee receives a detailed report and recommendations from the assessment team and then makes a recommendation to the Australian Dental Council and or the Dental Council of New Zealand on the period of accreditation (the maximum period is 7 years).
The policies and procedures of the council, while respecting the academic independence of universities, are designed to ensure that new dental graduates are competent to undertake independent dental practice, and to have an adequate basis for further vocational training.
The Accreditation Guidelines require that curricula are responsive to the health needs both of individual citizens and of communities. Dentists must be able to care for an individual patient in illness, to assist with dental health education of the community, to be judicious in the use of dental health resources, and to work with a wide range of dental health professionals and other agents.
Assessment and Accreditation of Postgraduate Courses for Specialist Recognition
The ADC and DCNZ have extended their activities to include the accreditation of postgraduate courses for specialist recognition, and accreditation of dental auxiliary courses.
The Assessment of Overseas Dental Qualifications
In 1996 the (then) Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs (DEETYA) entered into an agreement with the ADC. The ADC became the body to assess and examine overseas trained dentists for registration in Australia. The ADC assumed that function and has conducted the examinations since. Examination fees are paid by the overseas trained dentists to defray costs.

Aims and Objectives of the ADC Examination
The ADC examination is a screening examination to establish that dentists trained in dental schools which have not been formally reviewed and accredited by the ADC, other than graduates of NZ, UK and the Republic of Ireland dental schools, have the necessary knowledge and clinical competence to practise dentistry with safety in the Australian community.

Format, Timing and Venues of the ADC Examinations
The ADC examination procedures have been developed specifically to assess the qualifications of overseas trained dentists.
The examination procedure comprises three parts:
• An Occupational English Test (OET) administered by CAE:OET. For a satisfactory / overall pass result candidates are required to pass all four macro-English language skills the OET seeks to test (ie for the listening, reading, writing and speaking sub-tests). The ADC requires a pass at "A" or "B" level for each of the four sub-tests.
The OET is held twice each year, both within Australia and overseas, in March / April and September / October. It can be taken, overseas, at Australian Embassies, High Commissions or Consulates; in Australia in any of the State capital cities and some larger provincial centres. Unlimited attempts at this examination are permitted, but a new fee must be paid for each attempt.
• A Preliminary Examination - Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) and Short Answer Questions (SAQ), administered over two consecutive days. Examinations are conducted twice each year, in March and September . Unlimited attempts at this examination are permitted, but a new fee must be paid for each attempt. A pass is valid for a period of three years.
It is designed to test knowledge of the science and practice of dentistry and of clinical and technical procedures as they are practised in Australia.
• A Final (clinical) Examination, the general objective of which is to evaluate the clinical competence of the candidate in terms of dental knowledge, clinical skills and professional attitudes for the safe and effective clinical practice of dentistry in the Australian community.
The clinical examination can be taken only in Australia, and is held over six days. It includes three blocks:
- Operative Dentistry and Paedodontics;
- Periodontics and Removable Prosthodontics
- Oral Surgery, Oral Diagnosis and Radiology
Aspects of all clinical disciplines such as Orthodontics, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Pharmacology are also included where appropriate (practical and / or theoretical and / or Vive Voce). Candidates are examined at the same level as that reached by graduates from Australian universities.
Clinical examinations are conducted at least twice each year, in July and November. Unlimited attempts at the examinations are permitted, but a new fee must be paid for each attempt. If a supplementary examination is granted, a separate fee is payable for this examination. The final examination must be undertaken within three years of passing the Preliminary Examination.
These examinations (OET, Preliminary and Final) must be taken sequentially. Each fee for the OET, ADC Preliminary and ADC Final Examination allows only one attempt at the examination. Withdrawal from any examination may result in a cancellation fee being charged.
The range of topics covered in the ADC examination is based on the clinical curricula of Australian dental schools with an emphasis on common conditions in the Australian community. The patients used in the clinical examinations are drawn from a similar pool of patients to those used to assess final year dental students.
The ADC has appointed a Committee of Examiners with broad expertise over the full range of disciplines covered in the ADC and dental school examinations to ensure that the format and content of the ADC examinations are consistent with the undergraduate dental courses and the standard of examinations in Australian dental schools.

Examination Initiatives
The ADC has adopted several initiatives that aim to improve confidence in the fairness of the examination, while ensuring that appropriate standards are maintained.
The ADC will consider any concerns and grievances put to it in writing to the Chief Executive Officer. Initiatives include:
Appeal Procedures
Candidates who fail the Final Examination are given an opportunity to discuss areas which require improvement. This is done to assist the candidate should she/he enrol for a further attempt at the examination.
• Supplementary Examinations may be granted where a candidate has a marginal fail grade.
• Clinical Examination
The ADC is concerned about the prospect of delay to some candidates in obtaining a place in the first exam.
Recognition of Overseas Trained Specialists
There are significant differences in the format and content of primary dental training throughout the world, reflecting local dental health care patterns and priorities. In the case of specialist dental practice these differences between systems of training are even more pronounced.
Approval for specialist dental practice in Australia is the province of the State and Territory Dental Boards. The Boards may seek the advice of the ADC.
Uniformity Matters
Each Australian State and Territory has separate legislation to regulate the practice of dentistry.
The Dental Boards and Dental Practice Boards are the designated legal authorities under the relevant legislation to administer registration.
The ADC provides advice to the State and Territory Dental Boards in order to encourage uniform approaches to the registration of dental practitioners.
Mutual Recognition between States
Under the Mutual Recognition Act 1992, subject to certain conditions, if a person is registered to practise an occupation in one State or Territory they can carry out an equivalent occupation in any other State or Territory.
ADC Certificate
Upon successful completion of the OET, Preliminary and Final Examinations, the candidate is eligible to receive a Certificate issued by the ADC. This Certificate is proof of having passed the Council's total examination requirements and is sent to the successful candidate. The ADC Certificate in Dentistry is an acceptable qualification for registration in all States and Territories in Australia. Upon receiving the ADC Certificate, candidates may apply for registration to one of the Australian Dental Boards.

Australian Dental Registration Boards
New South Wales
Dental Board of New South Wales
Level 3, 28-36 Foveaux Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010

Postal Address
PO Box K 1116
Haymarket NSW 1240
Tel + 61 2 9281 0835
Email: dentalboardnsw@ozemail.com.au
The Dental Practice Board of Victoria
Level 14, 114 Albert Road
South Melbourne Vic 3205

Postal Address
PO Box 7050
St Kilda Road
Melbourne VIC 8004
Tel + 61 3 9694 9900
Email office@dentprac.vic.gov.au

Dental Board of Queensland
Forestry House
Level 19, 160 Mary Street
Brisbane Qld 4000

Postal Address
GPO Box 2438
Brisbane Qld 4001
Tel + 61 7 3225 2508
Email: dental@healthregboards.qld.gov.au
South Australia
Dental Board of South Australia
Unit 9, 59 Fullarton Road
Kent Town SA 5067

Postal Address
PO Box 4002
Norwood South SA 5067
Tel + 61 8 8364 5358
Email: registrar@dentalboardsa.com.au

Dental Board of Tasmania
PO Box 47
New Town Tas 7008
Tel + 61 3 6278 9820
Email: dentas@bigpond.net.au
Western Australia
The Dental Board of Western Australia
15 Rheola Street
West Perth WA 6005

Postal Address
PO Box 263
West Perth WA 6872
Tel + 61 8 9321 8499
Email: wclark@mjwa.com.au

Northern Territory
Dental Board of the NT
Harbour View Plaza
Cnr McMinn & Bennett Streets
Darwin NT 0800

Postal Address
PO Box 4221
Darwin NT 0801
Tel + 61 8 8999 4157
Email: healthprofessions.ths@nt.gov.au
Australian Capital Territory
Dental Board of the Australian Capital Teritory
PO Box 976
Civic Square ACT 2608
Tel + 61 2 6207 8869
Email: trish.dowd@act.gov.au

Australian Dental Schools
School of Dentistry
The University of Queensland
Turbot Street
Brisbane 4000
Tel + 61 7 3365 1111

School of Dental Science
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
720 Swanston Street
Carlton 3053
Tel + 61 3 9341 1500 Faculty of Dentistry
The University of Sydney
United Dental Hospital
2 Chalmers Street
Surry Hills 2010
Tel + 61 2 9351 8308

Oral Health Unit
School of Health Sciences
Faculty of Health
University of Newcastle
P.O. Box 5012
Gwandalan, NSW, 2259
Tel + 61 2 4349 4555
Fax + 61 2 4349 4567
Email SHS-Oral-Health@newcastle.edu.au

Dental School
Adelaide University
Frome Road
Adelaide 5005
Tel + 61 8 8222 8311

School of Dentistry
Oral Health Centre of Western Australia
17 Monash Avenue
Nedlands 6009
Tel + 61 8 9346 4400

Home page index.htm

School of Dentistry &
Oral Health
Griffith University
Gold Coast Campus
P.M.B 50 Gold Coast Mail Centre
Queensland 9726
Tel: 61 7 5678 0703

Website: http://www.griffith.edu.au/school/doh

Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons Inc
Email: registrar@racds.org
Australian Dental Association(ADA)

Melbourne Orientation Programme for Overseas Trained Dentists
Email: otc@dhsv.org.au


eldin said...

I am a dentist practicing dentistry i California, USA for over 14 years do i need to attend these exams.

Thank you

SmileNprofile said...

Sad But True.........Yes u do need to pass all these exams

Lost said...

Hi........I am a dentist in India and have successfully cleared the OET and ADC part -1. Is there any institute in India which may provide required training before ADC clinical exam?

Lost said...


urvashi said...

hi..i am doing my internship..may i get some contect of indian dentist practiced in australiya..

Unknown said...

I am an Endodontist licensed in Florida. Do I have to take all the general dentistry tests as well as a specialty examination?

Eva said...

would anybody tell the the course material for ADC part 1? thank you


Eva said...

and any links related to the course material and books to refer to??i`m thinking of preparing for ADC but am lost...

Unknown said...

Hi i m dentist from india , doing my internship , can any1 guide me to get thru these adc exams ..it vl great help

James said...

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Binek said...

hi every1.. i'm doing internship in nepal. can any1 guide me to get through these examinations. n type of question that is being asked in these examinations. any links plz..

dentlife said...

hi, do u need to write all the exams of ADC even if u have US DDS and you are a licensed dental practitioner in US ? I heard from some folks that you need to sit in the final practical exam only !!!! pls help

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Unknown said...

I am a dentist passed out in 2013 from INDIA.
Can you please give me the proper link which includes the tests i have to undergo,the dates and all the other important details.

Unknown said...
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